
More than a dozen ice curtains smashed, but soon, these broken ice curtains condensed and formed again. The whole sky was frozen, and the new breath seemed to freeze the space.
Snow White didn’t make a move. She knew that as long as she kept Zhuge from lighting up, she would wait for the two old monsters in Tianchi and several experts in the deification period to come. At that time, Zhuge could not escape even if he had the ability to reach the sky.
"Want to trap me?" Zhuge laughed before dawn, and the gold chain wrapped around the brick, and the theory moved again.
"Boo hoo!"
The golden chain was played by him, and a golden hurricane appeared beside him, just like a golden dragon. The surrounding ice curtain collapsed in an instant, and the image of white snow on the ice curtain disappeared.
Zhuge didn’t see the right time, so he rushed up and came to an ice curtain, and the brick was smashed down.
"pa cha!"
The ice curtain was broken, and with a muffled hum, Snow White floated out, with a surprised face. I didn’t expect Zhuge to find her true identity before she lit up.
"Today, I will make an exception and cut the virgin of Tianchi again!" Zhuge came to Snow White’s side, and the gold chain wound around her.
Suddenly, Snow White’s body became ethereal, and fairy sounds seemed to come from outside the sky. In a trance, Zhuge Liang didn’t see a heavenly palace behind Snow White, and a dozen graceful figures flew out of the sky, graceful and graceful.
Snow white turned into dozens of figures, killing Zhuge without light, sen leng’s murder spread, and hazy fairy fog came.
"Flying fairy!" Zhuge’s pupils contracted when he was not bright. That trick was used by Xue Xin, a former Tianchi saint, and its power cannot be underestimated.
Zhuge flew up before the seven stars on his head lit up, and a big dipper curtain hung down, covering him in. At the same time, Ran Ran, the two purple moons hanging on his shoulders, rose, accompanied by Zhuge’s dim light, and bloomed with Ran Ran purple gas to protect him.
Zhuge let out a long whistle before dawn, and his roots stood on end. He rushed up to meet him, and the plank brick was sacrificed by him and flew to one of the fairy figures.
Fairy figure dissipates invisibly like a ray of light smoke, while Zhuge’s unlit figure turns into a flash of lightning, like hundreds of purple lightning flashes. Bricks were sacrificed by him, flying around him, and all the fairy shadows collapsed wherever they passed.
"ah!" Bai Xueqiao’s face turned white and quickly fell back, cutting out an ice curtain, trying to cut off Zhuge’s dim way.
Zhuge rushed by before dawn, and the purple moon suit brought him like a teleport, instantly appearing in front of Snow White.
"Come here!" Zhuge didn’t light up and shouted. With a wave of his hand, a violent real wave swept through Snow White’s body and brought it into the purple whirlpool.
Without saying anything, Zhuge Liang directly sealed off the true yuan of Snow White and tied her up with a gold chain.
"You" turned pale, and she felt the true elements in her body completely exhausted and stopped exercising.
"Let go of the saint!"
At that time, two binge drinking came, and the two old monsters in Tianchi finally arrived, and the sky was shaken by the monstrous fluctuations, and the whole world trembled.
"Let go of the virgin, and I can let you go!" An old monster in Tianchi said. However, the murder in his eyes revealed the truth of his words.
"Let me leave? Your words are all bullshit! " Zhuge scolded coldly before he lit up, and his palm was full of purple.
"Young students, dare!" The old monster in Tianchi shouted, "If you dare to touch the head of the Saint, I will behead you even if I chase you to the ends of the earth."
At that time, a sound of dragons sounded, and a dragon shadow flew in the sky. The Dragon Family Master also rushed over, wrapped in a golden dragon shadow. Not a tall figure, it looked like a giant, rolling with a mighty momentum, shaking the world.
The three great deities were under pressure, and Liao Yu was intimidated by endless coercion.
"Gnome male-"Zhuge not bright corners of the mouth a cruel smile, the purple edge of the palm of your hand.
Snow White’s beautiful face showed fear and shouted, "Two elders, in fact, he is."
But she didn’t speak, Zhuge didn’t light his palm and cut it out like Jack nife. Blood splashed, and a bloody head flew out and fell into the forest below. This palm is directly chopped together with the original knowledge of Snow White.
"ah! ! ! Junior! ! I’m going to crush you! " The two old monsters in Tianchi let out a loud roar. They didn’t expect Zhuge not to shine in the face of the majesty of the three great deification masters, and even dared to make moves. Two peerless sharp edges cut across the void, but they did not shine at Zhuge.
Zhuge appeared in the sky thousands of meters away without moving, laughing: "Ha ha ha ha, if you want to kill me, you have to catch up."
After that, Zhuge turned around and flew towards the exit of Tianchi shakotan coast. This place is only a few hundred miles away from the exit of the secret realm. Zhuge is not confident, relying on the pole of Ziyue suit, he can completely get rid of the pursuit of the three great deities.
Even the blind old man is moved by the purple moon suit, which shows that it is extraordinary, and this additional pole alone is enough to make people headache.
"kill! !”
Two old monsters in Tianchi roared, chased them up, turned into two Changhong, and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.
The Dragon Family Master was also shocked by Zhuge’s dim means. He took one look at the headless body falling into the void and chased it up.
The distance of hundreds of miles is not a problem for Zhuge Liang, who now has a great power. A few minutes later, he has seen the exit of the land.
Sure enough, a large number of practitioners gathered at the exit of the secret realm.

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出站后,我决定在长沙南站停留片刻,感受这座城市的气息。南站的设计现代而大气,从候车大厅到站台,无不彰显着长沙作为中部地区的交通枢纽的地位。而在这里,我意外地发现了一家茶颜悦色奶茶店。 茶颜悦色,这家在长沙乃至全国都享有盛誉的奶茶品牌,早已成为了长沙的网红打卡地。虽然我并不算是个奶茶爱好者,但在这个充满人间烟火气息的城市里,品尝一杯地道的茶颜悦色,似乎也是一种不可错过的体验。 排队的人群络绎不绝,我随着队伍缓缓移动,心中不禁好奇:究竟是什么让茶颜悦色如此受欢迎?终于,我排队等候了将近一个小时,终于轮到了我。 奶茶店的装修风格简约而不失精致,店内员工热情周到,服务态度让人倍感亲切。我点了一杯招牌的幽兰拿铁,店员熟练地操作着机器,不一会儿,一杯香气四溢的奶茶就呈现在我面前。 轻啜一口,浓郁的茶香与奶香完美融合,仿佛置身于一片茶香四溢的茶园之中。这不仅仅是一杯奶茶,更是一种文化的传承,一种对生活的热爱。 品尝完奶茶,我决定继续在长沙南站逛逛。南站周边的商业街区繁华热闹,各种美食、购物、娱乐设施一应俱全。我漫步在街头,看着行人匆匆,感受着这座城市的活力。 长沙南站不仅是交通枢纽,更是城市文化的窗口。在这里,我看到了长沙人民的热情好客,也感受到了这座城市的独特魅力。 短暂的停留,让我对长沙有了更深的了解。长沙,一个充满烟火气息的城市,一个让人流连忘返的地方。在这里,我品尝了茶颜悦色,体验了长沙人的生活,也收获了一份难忘的记忆。 时光荏苒,火车即将驶离长沙南站,我依依不舍地告别了这个充满活力的城市。而那杯茶颜悦色,成为了我此次长沙之行的美好回忆,让我在心中留下一份深深的眷恋。