Chapter 373 Plan changes

Shen Shi looked at two bald men who were close at hand. He wanted to clap his hand, but he almost missed him. He came in carefully, carefully and carefully, and didn’t make a sound at all. He even wanted to land, but they wanted to hate themselves. These two guys actually had a big fight.
Shen Shi’s fence got up and beheaded Ma Jian appeared in his hand to see if someone would come over after they fought. If not, he could be killed directly.
"I killed you!"
Resentment quickly condenses, and they have managed to control their emotions.
"Bastard! Ma … "
The big sword brought up the wind, but it was faster than the wind, or the sword was light. An angry bald head was beheaded, and the expression on his face was still angry.
He didn’t react at all.
And his blood spurted from the broken neck and splashed on another bald face. He looked stunned and seemed to have no white blood to stimulate him for a while …
Cutting the sword didn’t end, but it slipped from one neck to another, leaving the bald head excited, but there was no shouting at all.
Shen Shi has already rushed from the fence to cut the sword. If you want to exert a powerful lethality, you can pursue speed. Although the ancients did not know that energy is equal to the square of mass speed, when they made it, they already joined this sword. When the light flashed, the bald root did not respond.
The bald man just stood there and a blood line appeared in his face. His head had been obliquely cut in two.
It is also very powerful to cut the horse sword and armor and kill the monk who complains. It is right to bring it with Shen Shi.
Sword pill can be done, but sword pill must be coordinated with spiritual force, and it is obviously not suitable here. It makes no difference to make spiritual force light in the dark.
However, Shen Shi still looked at the first sword to cut his horse sword. He was confident to cut his bald head, but the second sword didn’t feel like this. It was not only fast but also like cutting butter with a hot knife.
More importantly, he didn’t have any luck. His spiritual strength is physical strength. Doesn’t it seem that there is something else?
It’s a feeling, a feeling of appearing and disappearing.
"What is this?"
Shen Shi deliberately recalled that feeling by cutting a few swords, but it didn’t appear again.
However, Shen Shi didn’t notice that when he waved his sword, he seemed to have a lotus root, which was unreal, invisible and intangible, but it did
At the same time, there is a little bit of Buddha’s thought, and the lotus flower is pinched. "This is … it seems to me that this Buddha’s thought is going to pass."
With that, the figure stepped on the lotus Ran Ran and as he rose, the evil suddenly woke up and boiled.
The monk took one look and said, "The benefactor will rob you in such a hurry even though it is not time for you to wait for the Lord."
"In a hurry? You have occupied the best era, and now it is our ancient god era. We are not willing to wait for a moment and can’t wait. "
"alas!" The monk left with a sigh.
The blood of two bald bodies lying on the ground will infect the nearby ground.
Shen Shi didn’t go to deal with these two bodies, and the smell of blood has spread. If these two goods hadn’t been buried at the bottom of Shen Shi, you would have seen Shen Shi when you looked up, and Shen Shi wouldn’t have cut them.
But now that it has been cut, he won’t regret it, but it’s just to speed up. He complains that the monk found him fast forward and fast out.
The action plan of Shen Shi immediately changed. It is necessary to hide, but "fast" is the priority. If there are any resentful monks in front, Shen Shi will be killed cleanly.
The plan is to improvise. One moment, the plan is hard to say, which is a completely opposite decision.
Of course, "on the contrary" does not mean that Shen Shi rushed out so generously, but that he changed from quiet intrusion to a little fun and a diversion.
For example, Shen Shi quietly returned to the gate and left a powder fuse.
With the countdown in the heart, when the spirit counts down for a few seconds, there is a loud noise in the direction of the main entrance of Lanre Temple.
All right! It’s a lie to count down to ""before it explodes.
Gunpowder is not very lethal, even the temple gate is not blown, but the light effect is sufficient. The flames at the main entrance of Lanre Temple directly attracted them to the past. After all, their life experiences are criminals, businessmen and plowmen … but there are no regular soldiers.
Of course, even if there are regular soldiers, there is no firearms era, military common sense, and the cold weapon era is different. Even if you see them, you don’t know how to deal with them.
"There are enemies!"
"Enemy attack!"
Several roar loud came to Shenshi one after another to light a good fire and had already slipped back to the small courtyard in the corner of Lanre Temple to wait for convergence.
In a hurry, Shen Shi embedded a crack in the small courtyard door. From the crack of the door, hundreds of bald heads with torches could be seen rushing towards the main entrance.
As soon as he saw the bald men, it was not their department, but just the tip of the iceberg
The fire at the main entrance is not only gunpowder, but also spilled oil there. At the same time, the bodies of two resentful monks were also put there, and they were cremated.
Even if the monk-hating creature beheads the first remaining corpse, it is also a pollution source, and it is only when it is burned to ashes that it can be solved! However, Shen Shi also made a mistake. This is an ancient burial, and ancient times are not used to cremation.
Actually, the cremation of later generations was only a little bit formed by coercive force, which is why some people chose burial instead of cremation.
"put out the fire quickly!"
The blue veins on the bald leader’s forehead burst out and burned them in the same kind of fire, which was simply a provocation, just like the army standing in Beijing.
If Shen Shi’s killing hatred creatures is blood hatred, then setting fire to them is death hatred, which is a proper activity.
Of course, even if Shen Shi knew it, it wouldn’t matter. After all, it’s impossible to have peace whether it’s killing blood or burning corpses, isn’t it?
In fact, they have no possibility of peace since the day they left here.
When strangers hate creatures, there is bound to be a war.
Shen Shi has seen what it is to kill the resentful monk in his arms. It is a human leg, a human leg without a little blood.
Will there be peace in this hunter’s food?
Chapter 374 Cause power
One by one, the bald men rushed to the main entrance, wondering how they could find Shen Shi with gunpowder.
But Shen Shi poured oil, which not only burned up, but also spread to Lanre Temple.
This is not only the problem of low lethality of black powder, but the main problem is that the violent combustion of black powder instantly produces a large number of gases such as nitrogen and carbon dioxide, and the explosion occurs because of the rapid expansion of the volume and the violent increase of the pressure. It is measured that every 4 grams of black powder can produce 2 liters of gas when it is on fire, and the volume can expand by nearly 10 thousand times, and the gas in a limited space can expand rapidly when heated, causing an explosion.
In other words, the powder itself is a kind of physical lethality.
Physical lethality kills people, but killing the mysterious side is not as good as a fire.
In particular, these hateful creatures can recover as soon as they are killed.
I’m afraid the amount of black powder needed to kill them must be 10 thousand Jin units, and it must be fully exploded and let them completely suffer the impact of the explosion
The characteristic body of black powder is that it can’t explode.
Fire is different, although it also takes a long time to burn a resentful creature, but who told you that since this is a temple, there will be wooden buildings that can be burned without splashing oil, let alone splashing oil
Moreover, Shen Shi lit the oil first, and then the gunpowder exploded, splashing and burning everywhere.
Hundreds of bald men can kill people, but the actual effect of picking up sticks or buckets is not great. Fire fighting is also a technology. If fire fighting technology is not so easy to save.
Not to mention that this water wooden building is not reinforced concrete.

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首先,从数学角度来看,141-160这个区间包含了20个整数。这些数字在数学运算中有着重要的作用,比如在计算平均数、中位数等统计指标时,这些数字都可能成为关键因素。同时,这个区间内的数字也经常出现在各种数学问题中,考验着人们的逻辑思维和计算能力。 其次,从历史角度来看,141-160这个区间涵盖了多个重要的历史事件。例如,1453年,奥斯曼帝国攻占君士坦丁堡,结束了拜占庭帝国的统治,标志着东罗马帝国的终结。而1492年,哥伦布发现新大陆,开启了欧洲人探索美洲的历史篇章。这些事件不仅改变了世界的格局,也深刻影响了人类的发展。 再从文化角度来看,141-160这个区间内诞生了许多伟大的文化作品。比如,1413年,莎士比亚创作了著名的悲剧《奥赛罗》;1488年,达·芬奇完成了世界名画《蒙娜丽莎》;1600年,汤显祖的《牡丹亭》问世,成为中国古典戏曲的代表作之一。这些作品在文学、艺术等领域产生了深远的影响,成为了人类文明的重要组成部分。 此外,从人生角度来看,141-160这个区间代表了一个人从青少年到成年的成长过程。在这个阶段,人们经历了青春的叛逆、求知的探索、情感的波折和事业的奋斗。这些经历塑造了每个人的性格和价值观,成为了人生宝贵的财富。 在现代社会,141-160这个区间还与互联网和信息技术紧密相连。在这个数字范围内,我们可以找到无数的网络资源,如网站、论坛、博客等。这些资源为人们提供了丰富的信息,拓宽了视野,改变了人们的生活方式。 总之,141-160这个数字区间蕴含着丰富的文化内涵和历史意义。它不仅代表着时间的流逝,也象征着人生的不同阶段和经历。在这个区间内,我们可以看到数学、历史、文化、人生等多个方面的内容。因此,我们应该珍惜这个区间,用心去感受其中的美好,从中汲取智慧和力量,为自己的成长和人生积累宝贵的财富。


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