长沙桑拿论坛,长沙品茶工作室,长沙喝茶论坛,长沙桑拿夜网 约茶 See the demon king Peng and the lion camel king, the two remaining Yuan gods chained and guarded by dozens of heavenly generals.

See the demon king Peng and the lion camel king, the two remaining Yuan gods chained and guarded by dozens of heavenly generals.

"Don’t be proud of the smelly Taoist priest, so stay here and let you be robbed sooner or later!"
Peng demon king bad to ruthlessly say
"Don’t worry about it. Go to the Heavenly Palace and plead guilty. It’s hard to see you again."
Wu mouth said in the heart is some premonition that these two demons will probably not die.
Without talking much about Nezha, he also returned to the Heavenly Palace.
At this time, Jinyin Ertong also came to resign. They had already finished their return to the pocket palace.
Wu Ming also said goodbye to him.
According to the cloud head and tiger force, the three leaders should meet up.
"Congratulations, brother!"
The three of them came together to congratulate Wu Ming, and they also reciprocated one by one and said that they were lucky.
I am grateful for the fact that the three people just helped.
Congratulations on holding another banquet called Immortal Meeting.
Are you happy?
In front of Lingxiao Temple in Luo Tian.
Nezha stepped forward to pay back the money.
"The two magic weapons of the Lion Tuoling Mountain have been captured and taken to the demon-slaying platform for your decision."
The Great Buddha closed his eyes and asked, "Do you have any opinions?"
The immortals in the temple expressed their opinions, but most of them discussed how to kill them.
The gods of the fire department will burn to death, and the days of the thunder department will be chopped to death, and all the true gentlemen suggest a knife chop … each argues.
Just then, the official You Yiling came to report: "Began to play Guanyin Bodhisattva in the South China Sea."
A little while later, a jurchen came to the temple with a bottle and gave a seat to the great Buddha.
Only then did the Bodhisattva say, "The poor monk came here to ask for personal feelings."
The Jade Emperor nodded and said, "Please speak, Bodhisattva."
"Just now, I saw the gods rushing to the demon-cutting platform with two demon gods, but they were going to be put to death?"
Before driving, You Sheng Zhen Jun said, "It is those two demons who have been injured for years and are about to discuss the punishment."
Bodhisattva lowered her eyebrows: "Amitabha deserves to die according to this statement, but the poor monk can’t bear to ask for mercy for them, and hope that the Great Buddha will be gracious."
"What did your family say?"
Li Tianwang immediately said, "If the Bodhisattva is merciful, give the second demon a chance."
The natural status of avalokitesvara bodhisattva is respected. Since she speaks out and asks for help, it is not good for everyone to brush her face.
The Jade Emperor nodded at once: "With great efforts, the Ghost King will detain the two monsters outside the Tianmen and take them away when the Bodhisattva leaves."
Avalokitesvara immediately crossed her hands and thanked the Buddha for his mercy.
"Haha, compassion is a bodhisattva, not me."
Huanghuaguan saw off the guests, and it was finally a lot cleaner.
Yuan Daniu, Yuan Shi, Yuan Shoucheng and Yuan Tiangang all came to congratulate the ginseng doll, the flower maid and the old tree spirit.
"How does it feel to be immortal?"
Ginseng virgin lifted up her head and blinked her eyes and asked
"Stupidity must be the magic edge of Shou Tianqi."
While ginseng tong disdain way
Wu Ming smiled and touched two towering buns: "Where is it so easy? It’s just a scattered fairy. It’s still a long way to go."

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