"Roger that!"

"Roger that!"
Another old horse has sneaked into nanyang road by car.
Chapter 271 Missing a great horse’s second child
Near nanyang road.
A scooter crushed the snow and stopped on the right side of the street.
The car youth hurried to a small supermarket with four big leather bags.
A dozen people in the room saw the young man coming over and immediately surrounded him.
"Is the medicine here?"
"Hurry up and send it. I’ve been waiting for half a day."
The crowd chattered at the young people and urged them.
"Don’t squeeze, don’t squeeze. Today, we are still waiting in line one by one." The young man leaned over the counter and hit four purses. The words succinctly shouted, "Pay the money in one hand and get the medicine in the other."
Everyone heard that they consciously lined up to buy medicine one by one.
During the transaction, at least five or six people wanted to get more medicine, but they didn’t have that much money, but a young man gave them credit from outside.
Others may not have the confidence to dare to give goods to others on credit this year, but Pei Deyong dares to support this confidence because he has enough malicious means, and it is precisely because Pei Deyong is brave enough to do this kind of medicine that his business explosion near Nanyang recently is really a daily gain.
In less than twenty minutes, the young man hurried away after releasing the goods and rode his scooter to big warehouse again.
Half way through the motorcycle, young people habitually park their cars on the road and turn around to go to the snack bar next to them to buy some takeout.
The sudden braking caused a dazzling light to shine on the young man’s face.
"Lying trough to death? !” The youth blocked his face and scolded 1.
The back door of the car bounced, and three people rushed in at a hurry.
"What for?" Young people feel that something is wrong and turn around and run.
Three people embrace and grabbed the young Boling from behind and caught him instantly.
"Do you know what this is?" The left Han took out a knife and hit the young man in the stomach.
"Do you know who I am? I’m from Peideyong, Nanyang. "The young man bowed his head and glanced at the knife and replied without frowning.
The guy on the right punched "Pei Deyong has many chicken feathers? Grasping is you. "
The youth was stunned.
"Don’t move, I’ll stab you to death." The strong man and a companion dragged the youth to the car, while the other pushed his motorcycle to the messy alley.
a few minutes later
The off-road vehicle hurried away from the direction of the dirt street.
The car youth looked at Ma Laoer completely. "What do you want to do if you arrest me?"
"I say a few lines and you listen to Ang." Ma Laoer turned back in the co-pilot.
"What the hell do you mean?" The young man asked with a cold face
Ma Laoer turned his head and grabbed the young man’s collar and asked, "Is Niu Zhenbi fiercer than you?"
The youth froze.
"He didn’t let me cut the horse ditch and didn’t even know his mother?" Ma laoer asked again
The young man’s eyes changed after hearing this, and he instantly remembered the first world war in Magou.
"I said, listen," Ma Laoer asked, pointing to each other’s cheeks. "Do you still have a sick mother in Changji?"
The youth was stuck and didn’t reply.

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