长沙桑拿论坛,长沙品茶工作室,长沙喝茶论坛,长沙桑拿夜网 桑拿会所 But Norman, of course, wouldn’t listen to him and scolded him conveniently.

But Norman, of course, wouldn’t listen to him and scolded him conveniently.

"You said in addition to fart can coherent point when he why don’t you stutter? If you ask me, it’s a mistake that your parents didn’t think about conceiving you when they gave birth to you. It’s a mistake to give birth to you, you worthless piece of shit … "
As the saying goes, if you are familiar with 300 poems of Tang poetry that you can’t read, you will also sing Norman. After carefully selecting those curses for him with the Knights Templar, you can gradually have some play of your own.
And this is like a string of words, and it is honest and impolite to spray it out. Naturally, Chen Qinghe is short of breath and doesn’t care about what the big knight, the white wizard, has racked his brains to think about how he can beat Norman.
And he thought it right in Norman’s arms.
Norman’s exit is to stall Chen Qinghe from the side cover and force him to fight with himself so that he can’t cast spells smoothly so that they can have a chance to win.
And Agnes and Hardy did not live up to his efforts and successfully cast their own spells.
Hardy’s choice to cast is a level 7 spell deep freeze.
Chen Qinghe just failed all the wizards in the mission. The spell of force wall is level 5. It is to generate an invisible force field, which can make the spells and attacks that pass through this force field fail to work on level 4 and level 4 spells. There is nothing for the deep freezing of this level 7 spell. This spell directly passed through the force wall, and Chen Qinghe and Chen Qinghe instantly sent the protective spell to a stalemate. After a breathing gap, they successfully broke through with the spell energy gap, and firmly arrived at Chen Qinghe’s body. Immediately, Chen Qinghe’s body emerged with a layer of deep and blue ice crystals, and his exhaled breath showed white eyebrows.
The deep freezing spell causes the target creature to be slowly frozen, causing great damage. When the opponent is weak to a certain extent, it will be completely frozen. Here, "freezing" is a spell state, which is worse than death. Even some anti-God spells can save lives, let alone medical technology.
Of course, it is definitely impossible for Chen Qinghe, a mature dragon, to be frozen, but the damage caused by slow freezing restrictions can still play a role
Deep freeze, and Agnes spell has arrived
Agnes didn’t choose to cast the direct attack type spell. She also knew that the spell that a one-week blue robe mage could cast was really no threat to Chen Qinghe, a mature dragon, so she changed her mind and simply cast a level 6 spell for Daunic.
As the name implies, advanced heroism is an auxiliary type of spell, which makes the strength, speed, morale, willpower and other qualities of the subject extremely high. Daunic, the great knight, changed immediately after being blessed.
Seeing that his body became bigger in an instant, the speed of the sword was also faster, and the sword light was waving more splendidly. Even his kindness to chopping was loud and dense, and many faintly seemed to see that it was shaking.
This is not an illusion. After a wild dance, the great knight roared, suddenly slashing with his sword, but slashing from the right, while looking at it as if slashing from the left, and concentrating again, he felt that it was slashing from the right.
This is a unique skill of Daunic, and its power is indeed remarkable. Before he split this gas for a long time, the oblique cross chopped and smashed to bring up an airflow
The airflow is not small, and it has been over more than twenty paces, blowing up the garments of the wizards in front of the envoy array, which shows how fierce the final impact is.
And split this also don’t know what palm spell after blessing the advanced heroism Daunic eyes slightly bloodshot at the front body to a layer of deep and remote blue ice slag Chen Qinghe is a recruit just oblique cross cut!
He is also decisive enough to have a trick without even testing. This is to kill Chen Qinghe and not to give him a chance.
There is hope!
Everyone in the mission saw this behind the scenes, and their eyes were bright, holding their breath and staring at it unblinkingly, and their hearts stopped.
Norman saw this behind the scenes and temporarily forgot to continue to spray his mouth and looked forward to the result of this sword.
Judging from the scene, they are now the dominant Jedi counterattack!
But Chen Qinghe is a dragon, and this is his biggest advantage.
The reappearance of the sound made by the former Norman when he cast the undead scourge and awakened the bone dragon made everyone feel sincere fear from the bottom of my heart. In front of everyone, Chen Qinghe disappeared as high as a castle and the big blue dragon appeared in front of everyone!
At the moment, the blue dragon’s eyes are full of anger.
Chen Qinghe suddenly became a dragon and never said that Daunic’s chop was going to fall, but I don’t know when Daunic unexpectedly jumped to the middle of the middle school or the front oblique cross chop posture to lock the blue dragon neck and body connection parts and cut them hard!
This is the essence of his oblique cross-cutting. Is it so easy to hide?
Chapter one hundred and ninety-seven Rowen
Although I learned from Hardy that I had just summoned the bone dragon, Norman had never really seen what a real dragon was like because Cheng was soaring on the back of a fixed dragon.
And now he sees it.
The dragon is as high as three or four stories, and it is like an upright lizard with a long tail swinging behind it and a pair of bat-like wings, but it is much bigger. I don’t know how many times, a pair of wings is now fully unfolded, which is bigger than this dragon’s body.
His head is like a crocodile and some like a snake. His head has two thick horns and some small horns at the back. His eyes are really no different from snakes, but unlike snakes, he can feel clear anger in his eyes.
Hardy said that it should be true. This is a frost dragon. All of it is covered with blue and dense Long Lin. At this moment, these scales are still covered with a thin layer of borneol, which is deeply frozen by Hardy.
"The dragon is really a dragon!"
"I’m going to look at this pixel, this texture, this smart eye, this smooth and natural processing, and it’s not comparable to those special effects."
"This live broadcast is still the coolest in these two days, and it’s a feast for the eyes with all kinds of cool magic effects and this alien creature."
"Words this dragon is frost dragon that old guy give it an ice spell brain pit? Won’t its frost dragon have antibodies to ice spells? "
"If only I could turn this dragon into a pet, then I would compare all those old tigers and crocodiles."
Because of the need to constantly look for useful cursing materials from live water friends, Norman now points out a point of spirit to observe the barrage of water friends, only to find that after Chen Qinghe turned into a wind, many people actually chatted and stopped cursing materials. It’s really no discipline at all.
In the real world, Chen Qinghe’s dragon is a big circle in front of him, and Daunic wields a sword to cut it.
Chen Qinghe sends out Yi Long songs again, from which besides anger, he can really hear the pain, and when Chen Qinghe’s wings are displayed, he flies backwards to Daunic, where he has formed a body and has not been blessed with flying spells, so he can fall to the ground.
With Daunic’s first drop of blood, he poured water on the ground and scattered scales as big as iron pots.
Daunic did harm to Chen Qinghe!
Chen Qinghe called another one, which is more melodious and powerful than before.

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