This man …

Shen Nuo condescension in my mind looked up but suddenly to Hugh Lu line of sight.
Then at that moment, her heart suddenly trembled and she was at a loss.
A few seconds stalemate Shen Nuo flurried busy don’t cross your line of sight, Hugh Lu has been staring at her.
And after that move, Shen Nuo realized how shameful she was. She didn’t do anything wrong. Why should she hide from Lu Xiusi?
Shame …
If she loses her dignity now, how can she hold her head up in front of Lucius later?
Lu Xiusi naturally noticed Shen Nuo’s expression and was very aware of Shen Nuo’s embarrassment. He has been observing her for a long time, and he is more and more interested in this woman.
It’s already noon after the property notarization.
Shen Nuo asked to go home and Lu Xiusi asked to eat.
In the first hour after marriage, Shen Nuo couldn’t beat Lu Xiusi, and the war between them ended with Shen Nuo’s stomach growling.
In the dining room, the waiter walked in front to guide the way, and when Lu Xiusi was in the car, he had already called and booked the box.
Shen Nuo knows that some rich men don’t like being disturbed when they eat, and most of the time they will book a box to eat secretly.
Box has been ready food Shen Nuo hungry belly is disappointing at the moment.
Her stomach growled and she looked at Lu Xiusi with some embarrassment.
Without looking at her, the man pulled out the chair and took a seat. There was no gentleman’s demeanor. Shen Nuo felt that a gentleman man should help the lady pull out the chair first.
"I’ll treat you to the first meal after marriage. I hope we can get along well."
Lu Xiusi directly picked up the paper towel and wiped the tableware gracefully in front of him.
Shen Nuo observed the landing Hugh’s move and instantly had an idea. Lu Hugh seems to be a little neat.
Shen Nuo withdrew his eyes and no longer thought about "Lu Xiusi, since it’s your treat, I’m welcome."
Shen Jia’s room is good, but Shen Nuo has never been favored. Although she has not been poor and bitter since she was a child, she does not know how to spend a lot of money. Looking at this table of food, Shen Nuo is really worried that she will not be able to afford it.
Now listen to Hugh Lu said treat Shen Nuo also relieved.
"Now that you have obtained the certificate, there are some things you still need to know." Lu Xiusi casually said, "I will sort out my Lujia situation and send it to your mailbox for you to see."
Shen Nuo some nai or nodded his head.
Sure enough, acting is acting, and Lu Xiusi’s request is that she must play the part in place.
"There are still some things you should do later, and I will sort them out and send them to you."
What to do? Shen Nuo instantly frowned at this sentence. What else does Hugh want from her?
Is he dragging her to get married or looking for a nanny?
Shen Nuo twist twist eyebrow in the mind a little angry "I need to do things? Are you trying to boss me around? If I say so, then I resist. "
"It’s not your call." Lu Xiusi chuckled. "Now that I’m married, I call the shots."
☆ Chapter 7 Prenuptial Agreement
Shen Nuo knew clearly that Lu Xiusi said that it was not their marriage problem.
Shen Nuo frowning with a pair of beautiful eyebrows is so uncomfortable that she will get up in an instant if she still doesn’t eat. "Hugh Lu, do you want to ask me now? So what did we say before? "
Shen Nuo is extremely resistant to Lu Xiusi in his heart. Doing so is cheating on marriage.
Shen Nuo clenched his fist and couldn’t wait to hit Liu Xiusi with a punch.

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