长沙桑拿论坛,长沙品茶工作室,长沙喝茶论坛,长沙桑拿夜网 品茶论坛 "That’s not necessarily true." Eric Suen Yiu Wai shook his head and said, "The place outside the sky is very strange, and Tongtian and Tianxing are escaping from the pursuit. They are unlikely to act in their true identities. Maybe they used some spells or pills to change their breath and body shape, so that you and I can’t recognize them."

"That’s not necessarily true." Eric Suen Yiu Wai shook his head and said, "The place outside the sky is very strange, and Tongtian and Tianxing are escaping from the pursuit. They are unlikely to act in their true identities. Maybe they used some spells or pills to change their breath and body shape, so that you and I can’t recognize them."

"The possibility is very low?" Dong Bingyan doesn’t seem to be as optimistic as Eric Suen Yiu Wai.
In fact, Eric Suen Yiu Wai himself is not so optimistic. The reason why he said that, in a great sense, is actually comforting eless Yan. Women’s hearts are soft, which Eric Suen Yiu Wai still understands.
"Anyway, in the past, you stay here first, and you can help me in case of any unexpected situation." Eric Suen Yiu Wai patted eless yan on the back, and then a flicker, people have disappeared into the void, even the slightest breath didn’t leave.
This is not the reason why he entered the chaotic space in the body, but a very simple invisibility, which was inherited from vampires. Only with the improvement of his strength, these abilities also evolved. Originally, it was only invisibility that blocked vision, but now it can completely block the five senses. In the other party’s view, he simply seems to be completely non-existent. Even those who are slightly stronger than him can’t feel his existence.
If the strength is two grades stronger than him, then we can feel the faint breath he has escaped, but if it is in a melee, it is impossible to present it now. After all, the breath of the battlefield is too chaotic, and it is really difficult to judge which is which, which is an absolutely favorable situation for Eric Suen Yiu Wai, and it is a nightmare for the enemy.
Eric Suen Yiu Wai after close to the two men, suddenly, first one of them directly into their own chaotic space in the body, but the strength of the other is stronger, even when the attack was detected by the other party, which is the only chance, the other party actually caught, have to say that this guy is too strong.
"Your Majesty?" The man suddenly asked, "Is it Your Majesty the King of the World?"
When the man spoke, his breath changed slightly, revealing a familiar breath, which made Eric Suen Yiu Wai overjoyed and whispered, "Don’t resist, talk to a safe place first."
Say that finish this sentence, Eric Suen Yiu Wai laid hands on the man again, the man did not resist.
Eric Suen Yiu Wai won’t fight meaningless battles, even if the monsters and goblins in front of him are just rubbish, so it is. He won’t waste time at all.
So after taking away the two men, Eric Suen Yiu Wai greeted eless Yan, and the two quickly chased them towards the wreaths and others.
While chasing, Eric Suen Yiu Wai used the petals in his pocket to tell the wreaths to stop for a while and rest in place instead, and wished them to find a safer place and set a special ban.
If Eric Suen Yiu Wai guessed right, the two men who are sleeping in the chaotic space in his body now, one is Tongtian Leader, and the other is his son Sun Tianxing. As a result, his first goal of reaching two worlds is even achieved, so there is no need to worry as before. It is also a very reasonable choice to order wreaths to find a place to rest.
Less than a hundred feet away from the forest of ghosts and gods, there is a very hidden basin, where weeds are overgrown and trees cover the sun, which is very safe.
Deep in the basin, there is a very inconspicuous crack. If you don’t pay attention to looking for it carefully, it’s hard to see this crack. Even if you find it, you will think it’s just an ordinary cliff crack to a large extent, and you will never think that there is another cave behind this crack.
Behind the crack is a big space, with an area of about 20 square meters and a height of three or four meters, which can fully accommodate many people.
"What? You mean the Star is missing? " Eric Suen Yiu Wai looked at the Tongtian leader who had recovered his true colors in astonishment, and asked in disbelief, "How could he be missing?"
"This being original can’t explain. It took half a month to rescue the Star Prince from the lair of the Seven Beastmasters, and then it was a long-term escape. It took seven days or so to get rid of the pursuers. At that time, we were already tired enough, and the body was rotten. In desperation, we had to stop and rest. At first, it was fine. Being original and the Star Prince used the thick spiritual force here to condense into a spiritual body. However, when the spiritual body just condensed successfully, it was poor. Tongtian hierarch said helplessly.
"It’s strange, star here a stranger, he will leave? If you don’t leave by yourself, at least there will be traces of struggle and fighting, but according to you, it seems that everything around you is quiet, right? " Eric Suen Yiu Wai asked again.
"Yes, this is also the place where being original is the most incomprehensible. Although I was asleep at that time, God sent a part of me to inspect the surroundings, just to avoid accidents, and nothing happened as a result. " Tongtian hierarch wry smile way.
"Then who is this young man?" Eric Suen Yiu Wai pointed to the silly young man sitting beside him and asked.
"This man is the son of an Orion in a ghost forest. At that time, because the Star Prince suddenly disappeared, being original thought that he had been caught by the Seven BM, so he went to that place again. But at that time, the other party had already laid a heavy burden, and being original was badly injured. Fortunately, the Orion rescued him and finally saved his life, but the life of the Orion was not so good. Being original is stupid for this son, but after all, he is the son of a kind man, so he … "Tongtian leader explained.
"So that’s it, then take it with you and see that his strength is not weak. An Orion’s son can actually cultivate to this state. The place outside the sky really gives people a new stimulus." Eric Suen Yiu Wai nodded thoughtfully and added, "Did you get the news when you went there for the second time?"
"What is certain is that the Star Prince is no longer in the hands of the seven BM, but the whereabouts of the Prince, and there is no reliable news about being original. But I heard a rather absurd legend. " Tongtian hierarch continued.
"What legend, let’s hear it." Eric Suen Yiu Wai in order to save his son, nature is to seize any clues, even if it’s just a legend, even just a rumor, he also want to listen carefully.
"Legend has it that there are aborigines in two worlds, and those people are called gods! Later, whether it was heaven and man, heaven, heaven, goddess country, forest of ghosts and gods, etc., all of them were established and multiplied on the basis of encroaching on the territory of indigenous people. Only later, when heaven and man declined, people mistakenly thought that the indigenous people in the outer world were heaven and man. In fact, this is a great misunderstanding. As early as before heaven and man, there were gods. " Master Tongtian talked about it. "After being silent for hundreds of thousands of years, the gods finally started to fight back. Because they are too familiar with this place, they often show up in the shadows and catch the existing residents of Tianwaitian and pull them back to their base. As for what to do, it is unknown. In short, it is just a legend. It is not clear whether it is true or not."
"The gods? It’s interesting. I remember that some people on earth have said the word god. Do they also know something about gods? " Eric Suen Yiu Wai wanted to think.
"After all, the gods are ethnic groups that once existed, so some written records are not surprising, but most written records are regarded as stories, and few people think that it is true. After all, the gods have not appeared for a long time." Tongtian hierarch nodded his head.
"alas! It’ s really a wave of unrest. " Eric Suen Yiu Wai scratched his head and said, "Well, in the next time, let’s not pay attention to the Seven Beasts for the time being. Let’s open up a place here as our base. The main task is to find the traces of the gods."
"Yes!" They should track.
"Teddy boy, you are mainly responsible for the intelligence work in this area. You should assist him. In addition, you should pay close attention to the movements of the wild treasure tree. Let me know if they take action. Anyway, the initiative is now in our hands. We just need to wait for the wild treasure tree to attack the seven BM’s. Let’s add fuel to the fire and fish in troubled waters, so that the seven BM’s who dare to provoke me will quit the stage of the ghost forest." Eric Suen Yiu Wai added.
"I see, your majesty." Teddy boy and wreaths all got their orders and then started to act. Yang Jian went out to find a suitable place to build a base. You know, all the forces in the two worlds started from scratch, and they started to show from nothing until they became bright stars in this stage.
Eric Suen Yiu Wai don’t try so hard, now it’s just tinkering around the edges. He needs to bring more subordinates from China. With the special environment here, even those subordinates who haven’t been strengthened by his synthesis will definitely get great benefits. If Eric Suen Yiu Wai catches more monster beasts in the Woods here, he will start his own business again and set up a horrible monster beast legion. Only then can he really be qualified to provoke heaven and face the queen of the goddess country.
Now, let’s show it slowly. After all, there is no trouble at present, and the most urgent thing is only one thing, that is, to find the whereabouts of Sun Tianxing. As long as Sun Tianxing is found, he can really let go of his hands and feet.
During this period, hydra cypress tried to track their tracks several times, but all of them were cleverly got rid of by Eric Suen Yiu Wai. Before, he was too lazy to do it. It’s not that he couldn’t help it. Now it is necessary to keep it a secret temporarily, otherwise the base will be stared at by the Seven BM, which is not a good thing.
The so-called base, of course, is just a temporary place to live and practice. More splendid buildings are not needed now, but there is enough wood in the forest of ghosts and gods, otherwise it will be really difficult.

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