One by one, urgent telegrams for help were sent back to the earth. General Secretary Yangtze River and Prime Minister Yellow River watched the tragic war through passive optical nerve radar, and their hearts were not greatly worried. The Yellow River was silent, and the children’s warnings had already made the danger clear. However, the officials of the Immigration Bureau are overjoyed, and this is also his ineffective obstruction! Contact Tianxin Group and be told that Tianxin is absent, but be told that the Group can send 100 space-based fighters directly under Tianxin’s jurisdiction.One by one, urgent telegrams for help were sent back to the earth. General Secretary Yangtze River and Prime Minister Yellow River watched the tragic war through passive optical nerve radar, and their hearts were not greatly worried. The Yellow River was silent, and the children’s warnings had already made the danger clear. However, the officials of the Immigration Bureau are overjoyed, and this is also his ineffective obstruction! Contact Tianxin Group and be told that Tianxin is absent, but be told that the Group can send 100 space-based fighters directly under Tianxin’s jurisdiction.
The Yangtze River and the Yellow River, which don’t understand the concept of space-based warrior, are getting more and more anxious. They send out the real dragon, Wei Longtian and